
#3 Yup

Part 1: Sent off my address to become an official participant.

Part 2: Searching blogs, searching, searching...

Part 3: Here's a short report on

a) Technorati:

A fun word for a warm-up. Random, but specific keywords ("Synchronstimme") work just swell, although Technorati's instant claim of delivering "Everything in the known universe about Synchronstimme" might be slightly exaggerated. Moving on to serious searches...

As academic topic of interest I picked "Visual Resource Collection". A flood of results makes clear that I need to use the "Advanced Search" option. Unfortunately, searching for "Visual Resource Collection" as a phrase catatpults me to the opposite extreme with only two (irrelevant) hits. One person announcing that "Yesterday was my last day working for the Visual Resource Collection...," as well as another person's resume. Do we care? No.
We need to use

b) http://liszen.com/

Where a straightforward search generates a number of promising results, with the option to further finetune. Very attractive on first sight, but let me investigate more at a later point in time; I believe my 15 minutes are very much over...

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